
  • Cross-Pollination

    Mixed media ( fresh mushrooms, cabbage, raw egg, gelatin, green bean, hair, metal, string…) in wooden frame

    In Singapore most of us live in HDB flats (which are the main form of public housing, basically apartment flats). We have metal prison like doors facing each other, corridors and corridors. From the scent of a family’s cooking to scents that alarm the other about an emergency. Scents that seep through the bottom of the doors in attempt to communicate in a rather conservative community.

    This cabinet allows for things to deteriorate at their own rate, and its deterioration to affect the other. A play with hard and soft. While time tells decay, decay too tells time.

  • Soft Ache (Chinese Self-Portrait)

    Fresh lilies, orthodontic metal wires, braces brackets, glass, cotton

    restriction, guidance, maintenance, support..
    (last slide from home, using wooden chopsticks at home to support a plant if it wasn’t strong enough in its stems)

    (*prototype — 7 day growth observation)